Over the past 3 days I’ve seen more solar flare activity than I ever have in the past two years.
This is what it means for you.
Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are caused by magnetic activity on the sun.
They are large explosions of plasma from the sun and produce high energy particles and radiation that effect living organisms on earth.
Solar flares disturb the Earth’s ionosphere and in turn disturbs radio communications and can lead to intermittent radio blackouts.
Along with UV radiation, this heats the Earth’s outer atmosphere, causing it to expand.
To put this into perspective, if humans could theoretically capture 1 second of the energy released by a recent flare, it could power the world for 15 years
Solar flares can coincide with periods of heightened activity can result in individual and collective energy events.
Various studies sited by Dr. Joe Dispenza have even linked increased solar activities to increased unrest, including periods of conflict or war (more on this below).
For individuals, it can result in what has been dubbed as “ascension symptoms” in the spiritual new age community which can include, insomnia, sudden illnesses, and headaches.
All in all, what this means for you, is that there is a BIG shift taking place individually and collectively.
Now let’s get into the fun science and research behind historical human activity and solar flares.
Alexander Chizhevsky was a Russian biophysicist who lived from 1897-1964 and founded “heliobiology” (study of the sun’s effect on biology).
Chizhevsky proposed that not only did geomagnetic storms resulting from sunspot-related solar flares affect electrical usage, plane crashes, epidemics, and grasshopper infestations, but human mental life and activity.
Increased negative ionization in the atmosphere increased human mass excitability.
Chizhevsky proposed that human history is influenced by the eleven-year peaks in sunspot activity, triggering humans en masse to act upon existing grievances and complaints through revolts, revolutions, civil wars and wars between nations.
He analyzed sunspot records (and approximated records), comparing them to riots, revolutions, battles and war in Russia and seventy-one other countries for the period 500 BCE to 1922 CE.
He found that a significant percent of what he classified as the most important historical events involving large numbers of people occurred around sunspot maximum – political and social events including revolutions, wars, outbreaks, and also great human flourishing like innovations in architecture, science, the arts, and social change, were all correlated to increased solar activity.
Below is a screenshot from the Space Weather Live app which shows the solar flare activity recently.
Flares classes have names: A, B, C, M, and X, with A being the tiniest and X being the largest. Each category has nine subdivisions ranging from, e.g., C1 to C9, M1 to M9, and X1 to X9. These are logarithmic scales, much like the seismic Richter scale. So an M flare is 10 times as strong as a C flare.
This is why the recent solar activity has been so meaningful!

Neal Bakshi is an angel medium, best-selling author, and spiritual guide. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying spiritual thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, breathwork, and meditation.
Learn more at www.nealbakshi.com, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi
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