I was never a real believer in mantras until one recent life situation turned that completely on its head.
Mantras are believed to date back to India before 1,000 B.C.E. in the middle Vedic period. They are sacred words, tones, or phrases that are considered to possess mystical and healing powers.
Sages who chanted these mantras were believed to gain wisdom and unearth the science behind them. They resulted in removing obstacles to growth and ridding one of miseries.
Recently, I was feeling particularly stuck in a negative thought spiral. Projects I had spent months working on seemed to be imploding in every direction, and my consistent effort to push was only met with more seemingly terrible news and resistance.
After working at full speed on multiple endeavors nearly every day for a month, my nervous system was running on fumes. One morning after my meditation, I received an unusual message – “take the day off to take care of yourself and BREATHE.”
I decided to listen to my intuition and take the day off for self care. As I went for a run, I turned on Audible. I was listening to a new audiobook recommended by a friend called The Sophia Code. In that moment, a transmission from one of the chapters seemed to resonate at exactly what I needed to hear given what I was going through in my personal life (gotta love when that happens!).
The chapter I happened to be listening to was about the enlightened Ascended Master, Green Tara. In buddhist tradition, Tara is the known as the “mother of all the buddhas” and is the embodied realization of compassion and wisdom. Interestingly, the room I did my dark retreat in last December was also named Tara – named for this exact deity.
What hit home even deeper was Green Tara’s mantra that was shared.
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha.

The meaning breaks down to:
Om – Opening invocation; the essence of infinite and eternal consciousness, and the ultimate reality representing all existence.
Tare – This represents Mother Tara, her essence of compassion, and her realization of now releasing human beings from samsara and suffering.
(For suffering, think of things like old age, sickness, death, aversion to undesirable objects, or not finding satisfaction in desired objects (always chasing the next thing), and all suffering we are attached to in our lives which creates more suffering!)
Tuttare – This represents the liberation from the eight-fold fears of ignorance, attachment, anger, pride, jealousy, miserliness, doubt, and wrong views. Ultimately, this frees you from the true cause of suffering – karma.
Ture – This represents the liberation from the disease of not knowing the true “I am” and the corresponding disturbing thoughts. It is associated with The Four Noble Truths and the cessation of suffering, which is the ultimate Dharma.
Soha – This seals the intention and establishes the root path of ‘tare tuttare ture’ within your heart. This then purifies body, speech, and mind allowing you to embody the compassion of Green Tara.
All together, it translates to:
“I prostrate to the Liberator, Mother of all the Victorious Ones.” or
“To you, embodiment of all the Buddhas’ actions, prostrate always – whether I am in happy or unhappy circumstances — with my body, speech and mind.”
I listened to the mantra on YouTube and chanted along to it for hours over a two-day span.
The effects felt like I had taken a wash in a bath of blissful happiness. No wonder Yamsox speaks of the power of mantras and Bhakti yoga, which broke him out of his crippling anxiety, in my recent interview with him!
It took me personal experience of feeling the power of mantras first hand before I truly understood their power.
Oftentimes, life needs to get so “bad” or rather, uncomfortable, for us to feel like we need to make a change, try something new, or explore a new path.
If you find yourself stuck and in need of some inspiration, grounding, and remembrance of the true essence of life – give this incredible mantra a try. It may just change your life.
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha.
Neal Bakshi is a consciousness researcher, best-selling author, and spiritual guide. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying spiritual thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, breathwork, and meditation.
Learn more at www.nealbakshi.com, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi
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