Oftentimes I’ve noticed many people coming to me having experienced spiritual insights or occurrences. Many don’t feel comfortable talking or having an open conversation about them. Whether it is out of fear of being judged by a loved one, colleagues at work, or even close friends who don’t share (or also have suppressed) similar beliefs – I have spotted this trend for over the past year.
What it comes down to is self-judgment, fear, and authenticity.
This month, I’m here to shed light and create a space for people to feel safe discussing what they have noticed and experienced. People from the United States, Spain, France, Germany, England, Bali, and Australia have talked to me about:
- Synchronicities which led them to meeting certain people
- Psychic insights they’ve had before a life changing event occurring for someone close to them
- Communicating with people who have passed on/crossed over to the Other Side
- Communicating with other angels, spirit guides, or ETs
- Seeing spirits
- Out-of-body experiences during meditation or chanting
- Remembering past lives
- Channeling beings from different planets/dimensions/times
- Receiving codes of light language which they have been able to interpret
I have personally experienced a number of these things, increasing with frequency over recent months. I want to open the conversation of talking about various downloads and channelings countless people receive and are able to receive.
My own journey to fully expressing these experiences has been interesting. I share an 11-minute video about it here.
For a while, I didn’t necessarily open the full picture up to people broadly, out of fear of what my core and target clientele would think.
However, in truth and vulnerability lies the greatest freedom.
We’re going through a period of awakening right now on an individual and a collective level of consciousness.
After a significant number of people in the professional corporate world have come forth to talk to me about these events, I am keenly aware that this is something that isn’t talked about because there isn’t a safe or open space for them to do so.
As a result, most of them have suppressed these experiences, even if they have gifts and abilities to share within specific spiritual realms.
This is an open invitation to speak about those experiences and normalize beautiful and eye-opening conversations as a result. They’re fun, they’re exciting, they connect us, and they need to be integrated.
I believe that we are spiritual beings living a human experience. We are composed of energy bodies including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. When one is suppressed or not in balance, it leads to broader discontent within our lives until we are able to balance ourselves across the various energy bodies and energy centers (chakras).
My question to you – whether spiritual or otherwise – is where can you be more authentic in your life?
This is an open invitation to be in your power and speak your truth.
One morning after meditation, on October 19, 2022, I received a surreal channeling experience. I was called to pull out my notebook, and just write. However, I wasn’t thinking about what I was writing. My pen moved across the page and the words came out.
Interestingly, it was as if during the channeling my mind was being read and I was being spoken to during part of it. It was the part that was reluctant to share this and similar experiences I’ve had for years, with the world and others – out of fear of being judged.
The essence of what I received was along the lines of trusting your role here in life. A role in which you surrender into the flow (the script) of this divine play (lila). You still use your free will to operate, move, and do in this world, but you reduce the incessant egoic need to push in a direction of rigid resistance. It is about having flexibility to go with the changing circumstances of life and the ability to adapt to what happens on a broader macro and micro scale. This adaptation is about trusting your path.
The channeling told me how this is all but a dream, a play, a movie, a game – however you wish to look at it. In essence, our soul living out a human experience – what spiritual teachers have explained over the ages. Just as you enjoy watching movies and shows which show you drama and allow you to feel a breadth of emotions, so too, you are an actor within this movie of life, experiencing that breadth of emotion. It is about taking yourself out of the intense identification with your role in order to see things from the bigger picture.
During the channeling, I was essentially asked to share these words through my platforms, but have always had resistance in doing so. The resistance stems from what my core clientele (those in the professional working world) would think.
However, it explained that judgment of others is self-judgment given the reflective mirror that life is. It also made me realize – I was one of those professional working people, now turned spiritual life coach. If I was having these experiences, I couldn’t be alone.
Similarly, it caused me to flashback to all of the instances over the past couple of years where countless people who worked at some of the biggest technology companies, financial institutions, consulting firms, healthcare companies, universities, law firms, and hospitals have all come to me with profound spiritual experiences they never felt comfortable sharing with others.
The message went on to talk about joy, love, and trust as core tenants of our life on earth and the journey we are meant to fulfill. It told me about balance in life, and going within the silence and stillness (my take on this was meditation) to perceive your true inner light.
All in all, with various channelings/downloads during (and after) my meditations over the years, I wanted to share this story in the spirit of authenticity.
Authenticity for myself, and for a space for the countless people I’ve spoken to over the years to also feel seen.
Life is about balance and integration. Both are key to personal, human, and spiritual development.
I hope to share more fun and perspective provoking stories with you in the future.
Feel free to read the full and complete message I received below.
“My child, you are of the Divine essence. Surrender and release into the role you are here to play. This is but a play. My Divine play. The ego mind is here to help you navigate. But you use it too much. Follow the script and you won’t be off-track. I have asked you to be an actor in my play. For you and for I. For I know what it is that you are capable of. The task wasn’t meant to be “easy.” But the task was meant to be joyous. What would a play be but for the drama that unfolds along the way. You do but enjoy the feelings felt as you experience watching a production, so why can you not appreciate the feelings felt as you move through the production?
This is but a play. I love all of my actors dearly, yet they do not all remember who they are. I know you know you are supposed to share this, but where is your resistance? You are afraid you will be judged. But who is judging you beside you? All of the actors are merely reflections of you and in turn, a reflection of a singular Divine force of creation whose essence is ever new joy and love. The vibration you are here to exemplify. Trust yourself and trust the rest. Listen to the signs. Even nature is a reflection of all that is. Know what season you are in. You will always find your way. Just as the North Star directs you where you navigate. So too, is your internal North Star able to tell you your intuitive truths. Simply clear the clouds and it will all become apparent. The clouds that shroud you in the incessant engrossment of the physical material world. There is a balance and overbalance to everything. The balance is the key to unlocking all of the puzzles which hide within the pyramids of your deepest Self. The balance triggers all the locks to open and your genuine treasure of light to shine through. The way to find this is through the silence. For it is within the silence that all sounds are born. It is within the stillness that all movement becomes kinetic. Through the eyes of Seeing there is only Knowing.
Thank you.”