When I first started my entrepreneurial journey in 2021, I was hungry for knowledge, learning, and exposure.

It seems everyone has their two cents on what specific processes, actions, or content works best.

However, just like living life, there is no one size fits all when it comes to what content is best received, how it is received, and who receives it.

When I started getting my voice and message out there, I spread myself thin trying to get the most exposure through the most avenues. InstagramTikTokYouTubeMy personal website blogMediumLinkedInmy email listLinktree, and probably others that I’m forgetting at this point.

New York City

Coming from the competitive world of investment banking at Goldman Sachs, I was so focused on working hard, building my business, and doing all I could to get out there in the most ways.

It was also an experimental phase. New to the world of public content creation, I was throwing everything at the wall in every format and seeing what stuck.

Now nearly three years into my entrepreneurial journey, I have found that the entrepreneurial journey is actually a journey of the entrepreneur themselves.

It is a personal growth and development journey from within that is then reflected outwards through the business, service, and offering they create. (More on this in the future, because since seeing this first-hand, I love this topic).

As my business has grown and evolved over the past years, I’ve come to an understanding of how to best spend my time.

In the recent past, I would spend upwards of 4–5 hours creating and reformatting content for different platforms. It is often a side of the content creation most people don’t see. Dealing with multiple takes, tech issues, reformatting headaches, short-form, long-form, editing, text, music, cropping, cover photos, and so many other considerations come in when creating content. So much so, that perfect can be the enemy of something that is naturally great.

I’ve come to realize that as much as I love releasing content, what I love even more is doing the actual aspect of creating unforgettable experiences for people to awaken to their true nature of consciousness — be it through retreats around the worldlive workshopsin-depth 1×1 work, and angel mediumship readings.


I am no longer at the point where I want to or even need to throw everything at the wall with the hope something sticks.

I’m starting to realize what sticks and is sustainable for me as a solopreneur right now on my journey, and that is focusing my energy and attention on a few clear avenues which inspire me to share, and meeting those who find me through the work I do in a more conscientious manner. It is about coming from a creationary place of abundance rather than a place of scarcity that my content won’t be seen.

As such, I am going to take an indefinite pause from posting on Medium. I may be back in a couple of months, a year, or maybe never.

After last year’s success and joy in creating two retreats (Spiritual awakening journey through Egypt and plant medicine ceremony in the U.S.), this year, I have plans to create 5 retreats — 2 in Egypt, 2 in the U.S., and 1 in Mexico! There are a few other live workshops, talks, courses (multi-dimensional bodywork), travel, and life endeavors I have planned for 2024 which will make spending full days trying to repurpose content on multiple platforms even less efficient than it already is.


I am deeply grateful for your support on Medium for the past few years.

I would love to have you continue receiving my writing (which I will be releasing much more of!).

You can follow my website’s personal blog or better yet, get it delivered to your inbox weekly in my Weekly Illumination ✨ newsletter (sign up here)!

I will also continue to post on Instagram regularly where you can keep following along with my journey around the world, and slowly foray more into the YouTube world.

Sending endless love to you, my Medium family! Until we see each other again in this blogverse of wonderful content creation.



Neal Bakshi is a consciousness researcher and best-selling author. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, breathwork, meditation, and other modalities.

Learn more at www.nealbakshi.com, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi

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