Numerology is an ancient science. Quite literally, it is the science of numbers.
You probably remember learning about the Pythagorean theorem in middle school math class. Interestingly, Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician who thrived in the 6th Century B.C.E., is also considered to be the ‘Father of Numerology.’
Pythagoras said that everything in the Universe is mathematically precise, and that each number has its own vibration and meaning. Therefore, the placement of the numbers in a sequence also holds special meaning. Pythagoras’ principles were so widely accepted that they went on to influence the thought of Plato and Aristotle. More notably, they also contributed to the mathematics and Western philosophy we use to this day.
Numerology is a tool used to introspect and investigate yourself. It can also help to guide your life situation and to better understand others. Through learning about the science of numbers all around you in your daily life, you bring to light your highest potential on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes.
Numerology can also give you insight into your natural talents. Each number can correspond to a different planet in the solar system, letter in the alphabet, chakra, color, astrology sign, and even gem stone.
My study of numerology started in 2021 when I started noticing repeating angel numbers over 20 times a day. I talk more about it in my book, Banking on Angels, but the core purpose of this blog post is to give you a quick and dirty overview as to what each number’s vibration means.
There is an amazing numerologist I have the blessing to know in my life named Dale. He gave me a fun little story to remember the meanings of the numbers, which I expound upon below.
1 is the man.
2 is the woman.
3 is the child that comes forth.
4 is the four walls of the house they build.
5 is change and freedom. Once they have built the house, they look over the hill and are interested in seeing what lies beyond the mountains. This brings about change, versatility, and speed.
6 is about coming back home after exploring beyond to reflect, heal, love, nurture, and be with family and community.
7 is stopping to ask the deeper questions in life and seek answers. Who are we? What is existence? 7 is therefore about inner wisdom, truth, and spirituality.
8 is a number which brings strength, power, and tangible results as it acts on those answers and wisdom. It is also a karmic vibration of material and spiritual balance.
9 is the number of endings, closure, universal love, and humanitarianism. The degrees in a perfect circle (360°) add to 9 (3+6+0). It also speaks of philosophy, and philanthropy.
Lastly, 0 is not technically a number but is the vibration of nothingness, eternity, and totality. It is the energy of the all-infinite source; Oneness.
There are also master numbers which do not reduce to the single digits.
These are 11 – the Master Intuitive, 22 – the Master Builder, and 33 – the Master Teacher.
The most important thing to know about numerology though – is that it is UNIQUE to you.
Different numbers mean different things to different people. Someone’s birthday, area code, house number, or anniversary date might carry significance to one person and not another.
While we all may innately be one, we are all individual fingers attached to the same hand. Your method of communication may be different than mine, which may be different than your best friend or family member.
Just like any language, it’s important to cultivate your own style, usage, and understanding of it. What works for one, may not always work for another, and that’s okay – there’s no one right way to live life!
I hope this introduction to numerology gives you something to lean into as you communicate more with the energy of the world around you.
I made a full “angel number decoder” which I give away to my Banking on Angels readers. Even if you haven’t read my book, you can download it below for yourself (along with the other gifts I send!).

Neal Bakshi is a consciousness researcher, best-selling author, and spiritual guide. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying spiritual thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, breathwork, and meditation.
Learn more at www.nealbakshi.com, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi
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