Life has no meaning other than the meaning YOU prescribe to it.

There is nothing here. In the pure non-dualistic view of what we are living in, there is nothing here right now.

The Universe doesn’t exist, and I don’t exist on any level other than pure Spirit (awareness).

In this view, you can’t have both you AND God. It is not possible. You can’t have the Universe AND God. They are mutually exclusive.

When Buddha said, “I am awake,” he realized he is not a participant in the illusion, but the maker of the entire illusion. Yet this isn’t even the full totality of the experience, for the mind-awakened state is ALSO an illusion. In this space there is still an aspect of separateness in subject (maker of the illusion) and object (the illusion).

In Genuine Oneness, there is no imitation or illusion of it. It cannot be or exist. You cannot separate one thing from another, nor can you separate anything from you. Thus, returning to our point, any meaning in life would be assumed to be separate from you.

There are no two seeming worlds, thoughts, or ideas. It is simply a singularity that is GENUINE Oneness. Only Truth is true, and nothing else.

Therefore, anything we purport to have meaning or that APPEARS to exist that is other than Genuine Oneness is in and of itself illusory.

Yet let me not get overly philosophical in this approach.

We live in our very seemingly real experience within this illusion of separation. In this world of duality, we get to experience the aspects of matter on a linear timeline which allow us to question the deep aspects of WHAT we are and HOW we got here.

Herein, man searches for meaning.

The meaning of your life is what YOU want it to be.

If there is only a full immersion into Spirit as the pure non-dualistic philosophy extolls, then you being here is the meaning in and of itself.

You are the singular element of being in a dualistic world in which all is not even you, but rather that Genuine Oneness of Spirit.

This is where your life then becomes the canvas for you to create your meaning.

We are all artists in this world, painting the meaning of our lives with the brushstroke of our every thought, word, and action.

The search for meaning lies in every step you take along your journey and the embodiment of how you live your life.

The thoughts you spin on the record player of your mind provide you with that meaning even in the moments when you are seemingly doing “nothing.”

For us to understand the meaning of life, we must first learn to understand ourselves – fully and completely.


Neal Bakshi is a consciousness researcher, best-selling author, and spiritual guide. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying spiritual thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, breathwork, and meditation.

Learn more at, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi

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