You very well know we are living in the 3rd Dimension, but what about all the other dimensions – what are they?

Let’s explore using an interpretation taken from superstring theory alongside other channeled works. This exploration is not for the faint of heart as it goes deep into scientific theory and may lead so some mind-bending!

A dimension is defined as an extension which allows for measurement.

Every time you go up one dimension, you are expanding the previous dimension outward into two brand new directions perpendicular to the directions available before.

All of the information before in the previous dimension becomes just a snapshot in new dimension.

Dimensions 1-3 are about SPACE.

  • 1D: is length
  • 2D: is height (planes and 2D shapes like squares)
  • 3D: depth (objects and entities exist – YOU!)

Dimension 4-6 are about TIME

This is the jump from space-time (all of space at one time) to time-space (all of time at one space).

  • 4D: Time (timelines – past, present, and future – aka your life from start to end)
  • 5D: Time planes (imagine a piece of graph paper with near-infinite horizontal lines next to each other, where each line represents a different timeline). Each line is a different choice you make. In one you eat a croissant for breakfast in another you eat eggs. There are near-infinite permutations available here.
  • 6D: Time objects/timeshapes. Think of this similar to going from 2D to 3D, but expending parallel versions of timelines to have depth in time. It’s similar to a 3D object but with time instead of space.
    • Here, we need practically infinite timelines to make a 6D timeshape.
    • Flat timelines are a way to look at components of a time entity, just like a planar circle is part of sphere. All other timelines around it have to snap in place to meet all other timelines. Therefore, all interactions become a tree-liked shape of weaved timelines.
    • For example, think of the beginning and end of the planet earth in time. Where earth is formed from dust, to earth exploding in the sun. Within that possible shape of time, very timeline for every conscious being becomes entangled.
    • Here, every single possible reality for every conscious entity exists – not as a possibility, but as an ACTUAL experience that arises from perspective.

Dimension 7-9 are past space, further than time. It is the plane of REALITIES – and holds all possible realities!

  • 7D: is the last one that is experienceable in this space-time matrix. The 7th Dimension is completely outside of time. Here, all universal time space becomes one snapshot.
  • This is the Universe in relation to other Universes
  • In the 7D, different expressions of time and space become different Universes – i.e. time or physical matter behaves differently (if it exists at all) and an infinite range of possibilities exist!

0D: If you boil it down, it all comes down to 0D or 10D – which is Consciousness. A point with no dimensionality, only position. It is the center point of the torus field in all things – the infinite link to all dimensionality.

Thanks for journeying with me into the deepest of life’s dimensions. I share this to show how we are experiencing a drop in the vast ocean of consciousness.

Although put into words, it is ultimately beyond human intellectual comprehension.

A reminder that we are here for but a moment in all of dimensional reality. Enjoy life, and try not to take things too seriously. 

Close your eyes, lie back, and listen to this soothing track below for some beautiful perspective on life.


Neal Bakshi is an angel medium, best-selling author, and spiritual guide. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying spiritual thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, breathwork, and meditation.

Learn more at, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi

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