Have you ever been washing your hair or just totally engrossed in the enjoyment of a nice long shower when — BOOM — a sudden flash of inspiration enters your brain?
A new business idea, someone you want to reach out to who you haven’t spoken to in a while, or a reminder of something to add to your to-do list suddenly comes into your mind and energy field?
If you’ve ever felt these synchronistic downloads or enlightening moments of inspiration, you’re not alone.
I have compiled a quick list explaining why your best ideas come to you in the shower.
1. You are in solitude
Being by yourself removes you from the incessant stimuli of the world around you.
Let’s face it, in every moment of your day-to-day life, you’re constantly surrounded by phone notifications, emails, text, calls, endless items on your to-do list, TV shows, news, cooking, family, and so on.
When you’re in the shower, you’re able to create one of the few moments of space where you’re completely alone in solitude in your day.
When you’re able to unplug from all of the incessant commotion around you, you come into a centered state where your own mind can work its magic to create.
You are fully present with yourself.
2. You are with your thoughts
When your mind is able to create its own magic, you are able to tap into your thoughts in an undistracted manner.
Sure, sometimes you may find yourself overthinking in the shower if you had a stressful day or are preoccupied about a work or personal situation. However, when it’s just you with your thoughts in a safe place where you can tune out other noise, incredible things start to happen.
For me, some of my greatest moments of inspiration happen when I’m in the zone — going for a run, meditating, writing, or showering.
When you have no other agenda or need to meet the worldly duties of your physical existence, you can drop into a space of oneness with yourself.
Tom Bilyeu, billionaire founder of Quest Nutrition, also talks about these moments of inspiration that come to him in his morning routine — one of the things he does is called thinkatation — a play of thinking and meditating in tandem.
3. You are slowed down
Slowing down — ah what a concept. It feels like life is moving at hyperspeed these days. So much to do, so much to accomplish, so many people to see, and ways to create more success in your life to get ahead.
Long gone are the caveman days of sitting around a fire at the end of a day and telling stories with nowhere to go and nothing to do.
Slowing down is often chastised as laziness in today’s world, but that just isn’t accurate. Slowing down is actually paramount to some of the greatest growth you can realize and synchronicities you spot.
When working out — slowing down the pace of your reps can actually help you strengthen muscles due to the time under tension and ability to focus on muscle contraction.
Slowing down in your day-to-day life can help you spot careless errors at work and even notice the magic, angel numbers, and synchronicities unfolding for you in every single moment. You might even notice a loved one who crossed over to the Other Side sending you symbols and messages.
When you’re showering, you are practically forced to slow down. And most of the time, you want to because the warm water feels so good splashing across you as you get clean.
Slowing down allows yourself to simply BE — and as Eckhart Tolle drives home in his bestseller The Power of Now — being is the essence of existing.
Slowing down lets the gears of your mind move in a relaxed way, thereby creating the space and generating some of the greatest moments of inspiration you can encounter!
4. You are cleansing your auric field
Water washing over you is an incredible way to cleanse your auric field.
Your aura is the area of space in which your energy extends from your personal body. This unseen energy field can be anywhere from 6–18 inches around you in any given direction (you can learn more about this in the beginning of my best-selling book, Banking on Angels).
Taking a shower, walking in the rain, or standing under a waterfall are all ways to cleanse the energy in your auric field.
The water washes away any accumulated energy stored in your field which may have been taken on from others or even your own difficult situations/thoughts.
Negative ions are released around moving bodies of water, and in some instances, showers too. Negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost energy.
In the shower, as you cleanse your field from energy no longer serving you and allow negative ions into the bloodstream, you are able to become a more clear and open channel to receive those incredible moments of divinely led inspiration and thought.
Next time you’re in the shower, allow yourself to relax, slow down, and wash away unwanted energies.
See what beautiful moments of inspiration come to you — one of them might just be your next million-dollar idea!
Neal Bakshi is a certified spiritual life coach, energy healer, angel medium, and best-selling author. He spent nearly a decade on Wall Street, climbing the ranks to Vice President in Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs. Today, he helps motivated leaders reach high vibrational energetic states to find inner peace, emotional balance, and a reconnection to their soul.
Learn more at www.nealbakshi.com, on Instagram @neal.bakshi, LinkedIn, or via email [email protected].
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