
Keynote Speaker
Receive Guidance from
Angels & Spirit Guides
Receive Guidance from Angels & Spirit Guides


Angel Medium
We Will
Set an intention
Align your focus and energy to invite clarity and purpose into the session.

Center through meditation
Center your mind and spirit to connect with Divine energy and inner peace.
Channel angelic messages
Receive loving guidance and insights tailored to your life’s journey and challenges.
Close the ceremony
Seal the session with grace, integrating the wisdom received into your daily life.
Express gratitude and integrate
Honor the connection and integrate the angelic messages by listening to the recording.
"Angels are the Thoughts of God."
– A Course in Miracles
What is an Angel Card Reading?
Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides
Everyone comes into this world with at least one Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide. They have been through hundreds, thousands, or millions of lifetimes with you and know you better than anyone else.
Angels are Unconditional Love
Angels are beings of pure unconditional love. On the deepest spiritual levels, these angels can be seen as your Higher Self. They will only act for the Highest Good and the benevolence of all.
Free Will and Angelic Intervention
While angels are always ready to help, they can only intervene when consciously called upon. They respect your choice of free will and will not act without permission.
The Purpose of an Angel Card Reading
An angel card reading is an intentional calling in of the energy of your guardian angels, spirit guides, beings of love and light, and any loved ones who have Crossed Over.
Angel Card Reading Session
Angel Card Readings are 75-minute, 9-card readings where I will channel your angels or spirit guides to provide insight into three specific areas of your life.
The Reading Ceremony Process
The process involves intention setting, a meditation to call in their presence, the channeled messages and answering any questions you have, and closing the ceremony to integrate all you received.
The Story Behind Angel Card Readings
After my mom passed on, I started receiving signs in the form of angel numbers...
Noticing Synchronicities
It took me years to cultivate a language through it, but once I did, I started to notice other synchronicities as well. Feathers, words, songs, symbols, rainbows, animals, and more. My #1 best-selling book, Banking on Angels talks about this journey.
Messages from Loved Ones
Often times, loved ones of those who I am delivering readings for also come through to deliver heart-felt messages and guidance.
Connecting with Angels and Oracle Decks
I now communicate daily with my angels and energetic beings of love and light. The oracle deck I use has traveled with me across five continents to deliver guidance for truth-seeking souls. The channel grows stronger every day.
Ceremony-Style Readings
Readings are performed in a ceremony style where I will assist in being a channel for a message from your angels and guides.
Neal Served 600+ Individuals, and Here are the words they left
The session was grounding, calming, and healing, offering pure love and guidance from my higher self and loved ones. The accuracy and depth left me overflowing with love, hope, and faith. Truly amazing!
Neal’s reading was clear, uplifting, and deeply moving. Channeling my late grandmother brought immense gratitude, comfort, and protection. His energy and messages offer wisdom and alignment with your soul’s purpose. Highly recommended!
Receiving an angel card reading from Neal was an honor. His deep connection brought powerful reassurance, protection, and acknowledgment of my path. Grateful for the safe, comforting space he created. Truly transformative!
Neal's Angel Card reading offered profound insight and guidance, connecting me to my higher self and truths. A transformative experience providing clarity and understanding of my path. Highly recommended!
My angel reading with Neal was a profound gift. It brought peace, connected me to my late brother, and gave me the nudge to keep living. A true blessing from a true friend.
This is for you! Let's Make Memories
“When I am healed, I am not healed alone”
– A Course in Miracles
- Success Stories
Neal Served 600+ Individual,
and Here are the words they left
Neal has guided over 600 individuals toward healing and transformation. Their heartfelt words reflect the profound impact of his compassionate and powerful methods.
Question You
Might Have
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Let's talk.
retreat, spiritual healing just let me
know and I will be happy to help you.
The angel card reading was transformative! I discovered ancestral patterns, felt deep guidance, and loved the recorded session. Your passion and commitment, especially extending beyond time, truly impressed me.