I released over 90 pieces of content last month. Here are 7 things I learned.
I recently worked with a program which challenged me to release 3 reels/pieces of content a day for one consecutive month.
Over the course of May 2024, I created, edited, and released over 90 pieces of content on Instagram.
The experience was eye-opening, filled with authenticity, allowed me to dig deep into my well of knowledge, and was also completely exhausting and time-consuming.
In a world where social media has become one of society’s greatest distractions, I found myself wanting to REDUCE my time on Instagram instead of increasing it; but I’m not one to back down from a challenge.
Here are my biggest takeaways from posting over 90 pieces of content in one month:
- You know more than you think – putting out 90 pieces of meaningful content required me to dig deep into myself and share copious amounts of things that interested me from lessons I’ve learned over the past handful of years (and my life at large). It made me realize I have a deep well of knowledge and like a bunch of different stuff – even the weird and esoteric, like solar flares, plant medicines, psychology, and extraterrestrials. Amazingly, this authentic stance of sharing copious amounts of everything I knew reached just shy of 400,000 people on Instagram in the month and led to strong engagement. If you needed an experiential sign to lean into and share your weird personal interests, this is it.
- Done is better than perfect – editing content can take HOURS. I toyed with all different kinds of editing – captions, text, pictures, stickers, logos, colors, audio, transitions, and more. Editing and posting content can be an absolute rabbit hole that never ends. If you’re a perfectionist, appreciate that done is better than perfect. Let your message speak the volumes, add some nice touches around the edges with captions, some text, audio, and maybe a couple of transitions. Spending an incremental 20 minutes to an hour to refine something usually only proves the law of diminishing returns after a point, instead of bringing you the exponential additional engagement you might expect.
- It’s unsustainable – creating, recording, editing, captioning, and posting on average 3 pieces of content a day, felt unsustainable for me, and not something I want to continue doing. It almost takes away from the full enjoyment of LIVING my life. It becomes a journey only to document and experience the experience through a six inch piece of glass. By the end of the month, the full process took about 2 hours per day for 3 pieces of content. Some days I dedicated more fully to content creation and would spend 5 hours making 8 or 9 pieces of content.
- Content creation is not easy – some people I know think content creation is easy. Let me tell you, it’s a journey and definitely not one I would peg as “easy.” It takes a lot of time, effort, vulnerability, dedication, artistry, creativity, and responsiveness. If you’re looking for a quick buck, this definitely isn’t your easiest route to go down. It made me have a lot more respect for the highly active creators out there.
- You have no idea which content will outperform – the pieces I spent hours on might underperform my average, while others I simply pieced together in less time, with less effort, or even using a premade template might 2x the amount of views/engagement. It’s made me realize that it’s honestly a lowkey crapshoot as to which content will resonate with people or even be promoted by the algorithm. This leads me back into simply allowing your creativity to flow with authenticity, without expectations of results. Be okay with your post flopping. It’s all part of the growth and experience journey.
- My calendar got booked with more calls and meetings – if you’re looking to grow your business/offer service to the world through your gifts, putting out content is definitely a way to generate more leads and visibility. My calendar became packed with back to back meetings just two weeks after posting 3x/day consistently. Give it time to ramp up, and you ultimately will see results in this numbers game.
- All in balance – social media burnout is a very real thing. When I travel I don’t have 2 hours a day to dedicate to content creation. Content creation isn’t more core business, it’s an added side of what I do to generate awareness and spread loving wisdom. Personally, I am not going to be at the behest of sayings like: “you need to post 3 reels a day,” “you have to post 2 stories a day,” or “you need to post 2 carousels a week.” Social media feels like it is manipulating the humanness out of people, and my personal prerogative is to enjoy REAL life more, while allowing social media to be a platform I get to share those real life experiences on, instead of being glued to it and rely on it for business or anything else.
All in all, the 3x/day posting challenge provided me a tremendous amount of growth, learning, and clarity.
It brought greater awareness to how I want to live my life and use social media. It also showed me how much I have to share, and how to increase my confidence in putting my authentic message out there.
As with all of life, it is a journey of experience to evolve and grow our consciousness through the experience itself.
I’m grateful for all the challenge provided me and where it’s allowing me to direct my intentional energy moving forward.
If you want to talk more about content, social media, and sharing your message, book a free 15-minute call with me to ask me anything!
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Neal Bakshi is an angel medium, best-selling author, and spiritual guide. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying spiritual thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, one-on-one exclusive journey retreats, breathwork, and meditation.
Learn more at www.nealbakshi.com, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi
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