Remote Viewing is a process used to describe persons, places, or objects that you could not know through your normal senses, because you’re shielded from that information by reason of time or space.
Want to view an object somewhere else in the world? You can do that.
Want to go back in time to find where a shipwreck occurred? You can do that.
Want experience something at a microscopic scale? You can do that.
Want to go visit an underground base in Antarctica? You can do that (but expect to get followed by psychic soldiers).
Essentially, remote viewing allows you to accurately describe scenes without you needing to be.
In ancient times, the indigenous would explain it as the Gods and spirits or mother earth were speaking to us. As such, called it spiritual because it came from Spirit.
Today, even science is now appreciating the phenomena and calling it the “non-local” aspect of consciousness. One that is not limited to the body’s physiology.
From Herodotus’ account of the Oracle of Delphi in the 5th Century B.C.E. to government psychic spy programs like the Stargate Project during the 1970s Cold War, the ability to tap into this non-localized field of consciousness has been known and experienced.
Now, scientific evidence for this is becoming more prevalent.
For over 50 years, Stephen A. Schwartz has been studying the nature of consciousness and is one of the founders of modern Remote Viewing research. Last week, I started taking his course.
While I still haven’t gotten 100% accuracy, I’m able to get the basic geometric shapes, colors, textures, and the most visually striking part of most scenes.
Schwartz says that ability to tap into this field is often easier for meditators versus non-meditators, as the most important aspect of remote viewing is to keep intentioned focused awareness, which meditation helps with.
What’s been fascinating with the remote viewing experiments we’ve done is that we only select the target AFTER the remote viewing session has occurred. In other words, we do pre-cognitive remote viewing. In doing so, the information being provided cannot possibly be derived due to some subliminal cue, taking out further skepticism in the experiments. This truly shows you are tapping into a non-localized consciousness – before a target has even been selected! Dare I say…. Psychic premonition-like?
Here are 6 fascinating things I’ve learned so far.
- Remote viewing is a heightened state of consciousness available to all, it’s not “supernatural.”
- When starting to learn, you are not supposed to try to figure out what the object or scene is – you strictly report on all sense impressions and draw your picture based on that.
- External and Biosphere conditions matter (geomagnetic field) – Best remote viewing conditions (tested to be 5x more successful) happen during a quiet solar storm report and at 13:50 Local Sidereal Time.
- You are not going anywhere, but rather opening in consciousness to a non-local aspect of the mind. You get an impression of “going” there, but there is nowhere to go. It is similar to looking at reality as a construct of information, much like you see in the movie The Matrix. When you open to non-local awareness, you are observing perceptions about information.
- Entropy & Numinosity are important. Entropy is a measure of disorder. Targets high in entropy stand out more because it is a change information state. These are things like nuclear reactors, lightning strikes, and waterfalls. Numinosity on the other hand is the measure of coherence. Things that are more numinous to the remote viewer (personally or culturally) will stand out more. A picture of your grandmother is more numinous to you than it is to me, much like cheese is more numinous for a French person than a Japanese person.
- Individual acts of intentioned awareness add to the information architecture of a target site. Therefore, each observation creates more coherence, and these individual acts of intentioned observation can literally change the informational structure.
While this is the beginning of my remote viewing experience, I am most amazed at how the spiritual continues to link into the scientific in such powerful ways.
What we’ve known for times that date back to some of the oldest sacred texts in the world is now being able to be understood in a Western scientific framework.
If we’re starting to scratch the surface now, with further technological advent aligned with consciousness research, imagine a world we live in where everyone is connected to their true nature of consciousness.
Neal Bakshi is a consciousness researcher, best-selling author, and spiritual guide. He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banking vice president who has meditated since the age of five. Since leaving the corporate world, Neal has dedicated his life to helping others experience the underlying spiritual thread linking all cultures and traditions around the world first-hand. He does this through angel mediumship readings, life coaching, reiki energy healing, global transformational retreats, breathwork, and meditation.
Learn more at www.nealbakshi.com, or on Instagram @neal.bakshi
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