Get Your Free 5-Minute Grounding Meditation Delivered Right to Your Inbox
How did I maintain calmness during the eight grueling years I worked in investment banking?
I created a fast, simple, and effective grounding technique I wish someone had told me about back when I was a junior banker. Yours to keep for FREE.
You’re busy so let’s get right to it. You’re a corporate hustler, you have big goals and aspirations, and you work hard. Like, really hard..
If you’re working in the high-stress pressure cooker of the real world, the last thing you want is some lifestyle guru telling you to get more sleep. Sometimes that’s just not possible.
However, mixing my deeply spiritual upbringing with the very real demands of my 80-100 hour weeks, I created a super simple and fast 5-minute technique that will bring those cortisol (stress) levels way down.
What to Expect...
✓ Slice through those countless “urgent” work asks like butter – with priority, precision, and focus
✓ Ability to handle triggering work emails from your boss or colleagues
✓ Clear work PTSD from past projects
✓ Calmness and composure under daily stress and job pressure
✓ Unfazed by office politics or gossip
✓ A super simple but wildly powerful technique you can use forever

Your coach,
Neal Bakshi
Thanks for joining me on this journey to unlock your full, complete, and calmly grounded self. I couldn’t be happier to guide you through a 5-minute grounding meditation.
For nearly a decade I worked in the fast-paced corporate world of Wall Street as a Vice President in Investment Banking in New York City.
My story is unique in that I grew up in a deeply spiritual family, meditating since I was born. However, I’m intimately aware of the real-world pressures we experience as we grind it out to achieve our highest dreams and desires.
My coworkers would always ask me, “Neal, how are you so calm and composed all the time?”
My answer: Meditation
I’ve designed this meditation specifically for YOU. If you work in a fast-paced corporate job and ever find yourself overwhelmed or stressed out, this simple 5-minute grounding exercise will bring you into an immediate state of presence, clarity and motivated focus.
If done with intention, the entire goal of this is to calm your thoughts so you can gain clarity and focus to accomplish all that you need to do.
It has worked for me and I 100% know that this simple exercise will profoundly change your energetic headspace to unlock so much more focus and potential.
See What Clients Are Saying
Being an introvert, it is not easy for me to open up about my life to people. However, Neal’s calm and non judgmental personality put me at ease from our first session itself.
Neal has a brilliant, intuitive mind with a gentle soul. He guided me towards my own light that I didn't know existed.
I highly recommend Neal to anyone who is in need of guidance and clarity in their lives.
I am eternally grateful to the universe to have guided me towards Neal."
He also has the ability to create a safe space for you to share your, not necessarily pleasant, thoughts and feelings. I have a hard time opening up but thanks to Neal’s non judgmental attitude and genuine interest in me, I was able to do it surprisingly fast.
He asks great questions which really provoke you to think. From our first coaching session together, Neal helped me clean up ‘mess’ in my head and clarify my thoughts about my future. Always reliable, caring and uplifting.
His support and guidance during a few months of working together was invaluable and let me achieve my goal. I cherish the connection we’ve made and can highly recommend him to anyone who is seeking a smart, intuitive and genuine guide!”

I have noticed a marked improvement in my outlook and have begun daily exercise for the first time in over a decade. His combination of life coaching with real world private sector experience helped me overcome my doubts about finding a job.
I have begun my journey into a field that truly fulfills me and is something I love, not just something I have been told I should Love. I still deal with anxieties and anxiousness, but I feel much more confident that I possess the tools to deal with it and press forward into living the life I want.
My relationship with my family has improved as I am able to let their love in without dismissing it out of self-loathing. I am taking care of my body and mind instead of ignoring them out of a self-destructive urge. Journaling has helped me reflect, track my progress, and handle setbacks without catastrophizing."
Whether it was lingering breakup emotions, insecurities, overworking myself to the point of neuroticism and my body literally breaking down and struggling to recover, anxiety, panic attacks, and internal fears I had been ignoring or avoiding, Neal helped me with it all in such a patient, kind, and compassionate manner.
He helped me to not only find my own internal demons, but also led me to gaining my own insights, and most importantly discovering myself, and the courage to really confront these things I had been avoiding or carrying with me.
I have stopped beating myself up and learned to be kind to myself as well. I've become so much stronger and am more aware and in tune with myself in ways I have never been. Thank you so much for everything, Neal!"